5 Money Lessons he learnt from his Wedding (as a Singapore Investor in 2024)


Following the earlier piece on How this Singapore investor budgeted and saved for his Wedding (in 2024), these are the 5 money lessons this Singapore Investor learnt from planning a wedding in Singapore in 2024.

This article is written by a Financial Horse Contributor. 

One of the dumbest mistakes we made when planning our wedding was committing to a bridal studio too early.

We were newly engaged and just starting wedding planning. We visited a bustling wedding fair, having done no research, expecting to find all the vendors with unbeatable deals. It was one of the biggest wedding fairs and FOMO got the better of us.

We were drawn to a bridal studio booth by a sales agent who shared their exclusive wedding fair package, including deep discounts on the bridal and photography package.

There were only a few dresses on display and were assured by a digital catalogue showcasing hundreds more. We rationalised that with such a wide collection, my fiancée would find the perfect dress.

We signed on the spot and that evening, praising ourselves for making a savvy financial move, saving big on one of our most significant expenses.

During our first studio visit, my fiancée looked through dresses but didn’t find any she liked. It was only after visiting other studios that she realised she preferred minimalist styles not offered by our chosen studio. We ended up canceling our a portion of our package and chose another vendor, though thankfully without a penalty.

We learned a painful lesson: we should have done our homework, visiting studios to see what resonated instead of being lured by discounts. 

You’ll face many financial “firsts” when planning a wedding. From negotiating contracts, deciding on expenses, and stretching your budget. If I could go

Read the rest of the article here.