Travel Insurance – Can’t Afford Protection? Ditch The Vacation


In case you haven’t noticed, travelling is one of the best things in life for me, but I am well aware that unexpected events can instantly turn a dream vacation into a nightmare.

During a few of my overseas trips, I firsthand experienced the importance of travel insurance when I needed medical attention and faced travel disruptions.

In this article, I will share why travel insurance is essential to me, what to look for in a policy, and how to make the most of your coverage, all through the lens of my personal experiences.

Read on to find out how a small investment in travel insurance can save you from massive headaches and costs.

Why Travel Insurance is Essential

To me, the essence of travel is to be able to fully enjoy the experience with the least amount of stress possible.

Needless to say, travel insurance offers me peace of mind by protecting me against unforeseen events. The most common of such events faced by travellers include medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost luggage. Unknown to many people, a significant percentage of travellers encounter issues that could be mitigated with proper insurance. Knowing that we are fully covered against catastrophic life-changing events allows us to fully enjoy our vacation without worrying about any potential mishaps.

In addition, the ability to be shielded from the potentially substantial financial impact of travel-related issues is reassuring. Medical emergencies that happen abroad can cost thousands of dollars, if not more, and I am sure you have come across news articles on these. And let’s face it, trip cancellations and lost luggage can cause a lot of inconveniences.. This is why I view the cost of an insurance premium as a small price to pay compared to the potential out-of-pocket expenses.

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Read the rest of the article here.


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