$656,000 of Frugal Things I Still Love Doing

“I used to read Mr. Money Mustache”

some people say these days, 

“Until he got all rich and fancy so that he no longer understands the common person’s plight.

Stash probably doesn’t even practice any of these money-saving things he preaches any more!” 

When I read things like this, I can’t help but laugh. Because on the one hand, when you put a bunch of personal life details online like this, being misunderstood is just part of the package. But on the other hand, if the critics could peek in and see our real lives – not just mine but those of all the Mustachians – they would have to give up their conspiracy theories and accept the fact that this stuff just works.

Because really, not much has changed when it comes to the basics. Like many MMM readers over the past twelve years, my total wealth level has increased pretty regularly.  But also like many of us, I haven’t felt the need to change very much about my spending because I was doing my best to live an enjoyable life in the first place.

How have so many people found such great success? I think we Mustachians have something that’s a bit more rare and special than standard financial advice, which is what makes it work so well:

Standard Advice:
Slash your spending and make sacrifices until you reach a certain savings percentage, and beyond that it doesn’t matter, it’s all personal choice. More income? Great, that means you don’t have to sacrifice as much! FatFIRE for everyone!

Cultivate a love of efficiency, creativity, self awareness, and self improvement. Use this knowledge to improve your life in all ways, including those which help you live better even as your monthly expense rate drops over

Read the rest of the article here.

Mr. Money Mustache: