Are Confinement Nannies Necessary? Should I Hire a Confinement Nanny or DIY?

Ever had a job where you had absolutely no experience, no training, other people’s lives were at stake, and you weren’t allowed to quit?

That’s parenting, when you have your firstborn.

Naturally, as first-time parents, we were generally anxious and pretty much clueless on what we should do. Throughout my entire pregnancy, I read up a lot, went for multiple pregnancy conferences (those were super useful, I highly recommend all expecting parents to go for them) and even attended a hands-on class with Thomson Parentcraft, but yet felt ill-prepared when our baby was born.

The first few weeks are always the hardest. For a first-time mother, it is also common to suffer from post-natal depression – I was mostly optimistic throughout my pregnancy, but my sunny disposition completely took a 360 turn when I was discharged from the hospital after birth. Suddenly, I was hit with an unexplainable urge to cry all the time (I cried up to 10 times a day), sometimes for no reason at all.

It can get extremely overwhelming for a first-time mom.

So when I heard from my cousins (whose kids are much older now) and quite a few of my friends that they hired confinement nannies in order to cope in their first few months, I was intrigued by the idea and went to research further.

What are the benefits of hiring a confinement nanny?
Roles and duties of a confinement nanny:
Take care of your newborn, including bathing and changing them Taking care of the mother during her confinement Preparing herbal baths and red dates tea Cook nourishing meals for the mother Do simple household chores such as laundry and cleaning  Ensure that the mother gets ample rest during her confinement Help guide the mother and the family through confinement (especially for clueless couples like us!) Guide you on breastfeeding Budget Babe: