Mainly Macro

There is no mandate for No Deal

We are told constantly that the 2016 referendum gives our government a mandate for a…

Is Brexit a culture war or a class war?

The dynamic of today’s service based economy means that social liberalism is in part generated…

Is the German Debt Brake the worst fiscal rule ever?

The answer is probably not: a simple balance budget is worse. The German Schuldenbremse fixes…

Why the UK cannot see that Brexit is utterly, utterly stupid

If you talk to almost anyone overseas, except those at the right wing extreme (like…

The key arguments for high top rates of income tax are political as well as pecuniary

When people complain that neoliberalism is a meaningless concept, I should point them to what…

Is Norway+ the way forward?

A number of MPs seem to think so. Their argument goes as follows. Although the…