Urban Carmel

4.28% 6 months T-bill is very nice!

Well, the results are out bright and early this time.I know it is the afternoon…

Daiwa House Logistics Trust: FX and TA.

The unit price of Daiwa House Logistics Trust has declined 32c or almost 40% in…

Growing passive income: Equities, CPF and bonds.

I have been blogging about the passive income generated by my investment portfolio every quarter…

Media radicalisation in the US and UK

 Perhaps many people outside the United States do not realise how dangerous the attack on…

Why vaccines alone are not enough, how the UK government could mess things up again and which European country will eliminate COVID first?

 Why has the UK government decided to apply serious travel restrictions to incomers because of…

In the UK Treasury cutting the deficit generally takes priority over the health of the economy

The UK Treasury bears some responsibility for the disaster of 2010 austerity, yet it has…