Bumped Into An Illegal Immigrant And It Could Have Been Costly


Like millions of others, I watched with intrigue the first—and potentially only—Donald Trump and Kamala Harris presidential debate. One of the most important topics discussed was illegal immigration and how the Biden/Harris administration allowed millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country.

If you’re willing to flee your country and attempt to enter America illegally, things must be dire at home. Maybe job opportunities are nonexistent, perhaps the government has confiscated your business, there might be a civil war, or maybe you’re even running from the law.

Since San Francisco is a sanctuary city, many illegal immigrants end up here. A sanctuary city is one whose municipal laws tend to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation or prosecution, despite federal immigration law.

Some of these illegal immigrants, like those from Honduras, have multiple arrests yet continue selling fentanyl on our downtown streets without repercussion. This epidemic is a failure of both our political leaders and our ultra-liberal judges, who keep releasing these criminals despite their multiple convictions.

We need new leadership that will be tougher on crime and illegal immigration. Allowing drug dealers and thieves to repeatedly commit crimes is not empathy or compassion; it harms others.

Although I haven’t overdosed on drugs, been shot, or had my car windows smashed in 12 years, I did have a potential costly encounter that was likely with an illegal immigrant.

 Loading … My Run-In With a Likely Illegal Immigrant

One day, I was driving my four-year-old daughter to swim lessons when I reached a three-way intersection with stop signs. The car in front of me, an old Toyota Prius, had the right of way and started to go. As I moved forward to take my place in front of the line, the driver suddenly slammed on her brakes in a panic, causing me to bump

Read the rest of the article here.


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