Will Singapore REITs Shine Again? Time to Look at Alternative Property Investment for Passive...

Singaporeans love properties but what’s surprising is that many people still believe that physical property is the only way to invest in real estate.Especially...

Why fiscal consolidations (spending cuts or tax increases) don't reduce debt to GDP ratios,...

 The claim often made for fiscal consolidations (cuts in public spending or increases in taxes) is that they are required to reduce the ratio of...

What Hamilton Taught Me About Building A Strong Brand

I took a day trip to Manhattan with my parents in 2008, while I was studying in the US. My mum loves Broadway, so...

Financial Meltdown: What the Recent Collapse of US Banks and Credit Suisse Means for...

I have been following the recent collapse of several banks with great interest. We had the largest US bank failure since the Global Financial Crisis...

How To Actually Be Data-Driven

In one of my previous jobs, the thing which I dreaded more than anything in the world was a 2-hour meeting every Monday. In that...

Writing is the Most Underrated Skill For Work

“You need to write in order to think well.” Paul Graham Writing is often the process by which you realize that you do not understand...

Some Quick Thoughts On Deploying CPF OA Funds For Higher Yields

No, this post is not about me. In case you did not know, I have hardly any disposable OA funds to deploy. Instead, this...

February 2023 HDB BTO review: Tengah (Brickland Weave)

The Tengah BTO is the biggest project in the February 2023 HDB BTO launch, with 1,641 units up for balloting (which means getting a...

Valentine’s Day: 4 lovers who built houses for their significant others (spoiling the market...

With February’s HDB BTO 2023 season upon us and Valentine’s Day on 14 February, we thought it would be apt to share the love...

Epic Quests And Male Friendships

Last week, I wrote about how we’re in a crisis of male friendships. Men in our 30s and 40s find it increasingly hard to...