Chocolate Finance Portfolio Rebalance – New Lion Global Fund

Chocolate Finance updated all users on 22 July 2024 that they will be implementing a portfolio rebalancing.

At that point in time, no specific information was given regarding the new fund that was added, other than it was a Lion Global fund.

Table of ContentsNew Fund Added – Lion Global Short Duration Bond Fund

A couple of days later, we were able to see the new fund information from the Chocolate Finance app.

We can see that the specific fund name is Lion Global Short Duration Bond Fund.

The next step is to find out more about the 4th fund in the Chocolate Finance portfolio.

Endowus – My Cheat Code For Getting Fund Information

I have written about this for few times on the easiest way to get access to fund information, and that is to make use of the fund library by Endowus Fund Smart.

By using Lion Global Short Duration Bond Fund as the search term, we can see that there are two search results, one that is denominated in SGD and one that is denominated in USD.

Let’s take a look at the SGD denominated fund.

The fund description says that it aims to provide total return of capital growth and income over the medium to long term through an actively managed portfolio of Singapore and international bonds, high quality interest rate securities and other related securities.

The 1-year annualised returns for the Lion Global Short Duration Bond Fund is 5.19%.

You can click here to learn more about the fund.

The Endowus Product Risk Rating (PRR) system classifies funds into 6 risk categories, from 1-6, in order of ascending risk where 1 denotes a fund of lowest risk and 6 of highest risk. Lion Global Short Duration Bond Fund scores a

Read the rest of the article here.

Turtle Investor: