Direct Indexing: A Growing Investment Strategy Among The Wealthy

One of the investing strategies growing in popularity with the wealthy is Direct Indexing. Before my consulting stint at a fintech startup in 2024, I had never really heard of Direct Indexing. If I did, I likely assumed it simply meant directly investing in index funds, which many of us already do.

However, Direct Indexing is more than just buying index funds. It is an investment strategy that allows investors to purchase individual stocks that make up an index rather than buying a traditional index fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF). This approach enables investors to directly own a customized portfolio of the actual securities within the index, providing greater control over the portfolio’s composition and tax management.

Let’s look at the benefits and drawbacks of Direct Indexing to get a better understanding of what it is. In a way, Direct Indexing is simply a new way to package and market investment management services to clients.

Benefits of Direct Indexing Personalization: Direct Indexing allows you to align your portfolio with your specific values and financial goals. For example, you can exclude all “sin stocks” from your portfolio if you wish. Tax Optimization: This strategy offers opportunities for tax-loss harvesting that may not be available with traditional index funds. Tax-loss harvesting helps minimize capital gains tax liability, thereby boosting potential returns. Control: Investors have more control over their investments, allowing them to manage their exposure to particular sectors or companies. Instead of following the S&P 500 index managers’ decisions on company selection and weighting, you can set sector weighting limits, for example. Drawbacks of Direct Indexing Complexity: Managing a portfolio of individual stocks is more complex than investing in a single fund. Therefore, most investors don’t do it themselves but pay an investment manager to handle it, which leads to additional

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