Expenses. T-bill. SSB. DBS, UOB and OCBC.


It has been more than a week since my last blog post.

Things have settled into a new normal for me.

In this new normal, my expenses have increased by 3x or 4x.

UOB should be very pleased with me as I exceed the $500 minimum spending required on the ONE Card by a large amount to get extra interest on my savings in the ONE Account.

The increase in expenses is going to be part of the new normal and not transitional, I suspect.

Fortunately, my passive income is buffered which means I am able to absorb the current higher expenses.

Crossing fingers that things do not worsen.

I am still not sleeping well but, fortunately, I am able to take refuge in virtual worlds.

This has saved me many years ago from going into a depression and it still works for me today.

Just spending time alone and being focused on things that have nothing to do with the real world.


Call it what you want but it works.

In a YouTube video I made not too long ago, I said that I could feel apathy setting in when it comes to money matters.

I can say that apathy has definitely set in.

It is next to me now, watching me as I pen this blog.

Apathy says, “What are you doing?”

AK says, “Listen to me, Apathy, you are just a guest. You should try not to get too comfortable.”

Brave words.

Writing is therapeutic to me and I am just talking to myself which helps to calm my mind as I try to make sense of things.

Anyway, soldiering on.

1. T-bill yield dropping.

In the last auction, T-bill yield declined to 3.34% p.a.

It could have been worse, I suppose.

Anyway, I got my non-competitive bid filled.

Using cash, 3.34% is still better than what a regular savings account pays.

Of course,

Read the rest of the article here.