How to Track Your Net Worth (ft. my FREE Net Worth Tracker)


Do you know your net worth? How often do you check it? If you have found it difficult to track your net worth over time or you don’t track it at all, then this post is for you.

Historically, I used to track my net worth with aggregator websites like Mint and Personal Capital. I could link all of my accounts and the data was recorded automatically. It was great. Unfortunately, after a decade of using them I found that they all had a fatal flaw—they would always break eventually. A bank might change its API and the connection would stop working. Or I would need to re-authenticate my accounts every time I logged in. Or I would change something and lose some historical data. It drove me crazy.

Long story short, I got tired of using these systems that were prone to failure and decided to build something that would last. The result was a simple GoogleSheet that adjusts for changes in security prices in real-time. While this sheet still requires some manual input on my end periodically, it hasn’t broken in years and the data I’ve saved is priceless.

So, instead of writing my typical blog post, today I want to show you how my free Net Worth Tracker works so that you can use it for yourself. It’s been incredibly valuable for tracking my own finances and I hope you get some value out of it as well. And no, this isn’t a sales pitch. The tool is free to copy and use for your own benefit. I’m just a finance nerd that likes building stuff.

With that being said, let’s talk about how to track your net worth before we do a tour of my Net Worth Tracker.

How to Track Your Net Worth

When it

Read the rest of the article here.