Largest investments updated (mid 2024): Never run out of money in retirement.

It has been quite a while since I last blogged about my largest investments.

The last time I published such a blog was in January 2023.

So, it has been a year and a half!

Apart from being lazy, I didn’t do very much to my portfolio and, hence, I did not see the need to publish any updates.

However, I think it is about time I do this even if it is just to take into account changes in market prices.

Many things have changed in the past 18 months.

Before we start, I want to share a YouTube video I produced on how not to run out of money in retirement which I feel is an important topic:

Anyway, here is the update.

$500,000 or more

1. CPF


My CPF savings is a constant.

Being risk free and volatility free, it provides peace of mind.

I have not done any voluntary contributions to my CPF account in the last 18 months.

Instead, I have used that money to buy Singapore Savings Bonds and I shared the reason why here and also in my YouTube channel, of course.

I have also used money in my CPF OA to buy T-bills which grows my CPF OA savings at a faster clip.

In dollar terms, it is quite meaningful as I have quite a large amount of money in my CPF OA.

So, my CPF savings has grown in size in the last 18 months despite lacking mandatory or voluntary contributions.

Next is OCBC which is my largest investment in equities.

Since the last update on my largest investments, I added to my position in OCBC at about $12.30 a share in the middle of 2023.

The market value of my investment in OCBC has gone up significantly as its share price has also appreciated quite a bit.

This is very nice

Read the rest of the article here.
