More job seekers cite discrimination over age and nationality in 2023: MOM survey


SINGAPORE – More resident job seekers felt they were treated unfairly during their job search because of their age or nationality in 2023, compared with the year before.

But overall, there was a decrease in the proportion of employees and job seekers experiencing discrimination over factors such as age, race and mental health.

The improvements reflect the efforts by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (Tafep) and tripartite partners in promoting fair employment practices, said the ministry in its latest fair employment practices report released on Sept 24.

However, employees are still apprehensive about seeking help after experiencing discrimination, said MOM.

Fewer resident employees or 29.3 per cent of those who faced discrimination at work sought help in 2023, compared with 35.3 per cent in 2022.

“This also means that around seven in 10 who experienced workplace discrimination did not seek help. The upcoming Workplace Fairness Legislation will protect those who report discrimination at the workplace,” said Mr Ang Boon Heng, director of MOM’s manpower research and statistics department.

However, the proportion of employees who turned to the Government for help has more than doubled, from 5.4 per cent in 2022 to 13.1 per cent in 2023. The 2023 figure is also more than triple the 4.7 per cent recorded in 2021. Formal avenues of help from the Government include MOM, Tafep, the Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management (TADM) and the Employment Claims Tribunals (ECT).

A total of 3,480 Singaporeans and permanent residents aged 15 and above, excluding full-time national servicemen, participated in the survey.

According to the report, there was an overall decline in the proportion of both employees and job seekers who said they were discriminated over their mental health condition in the workplace or during the

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