Reflections On Lenora Turning 1 Year Old


Hi Lenora, you just turned 1 year old recently and I thought this was a big milestone worth penning a blog post on. As we already held a large-scale 100-day birthday party for you, we decided to keep this celebration smaller with just immediate family members invited. You also timed it to perfection by taking your first few independent steps on this big occasion. As cliched as it may sound, it felt like just yesterday when I first held you in my arms.

The past 1 year with you has been truly a breeze. Thank you for making parenting relatively easy thus far. It was a joy watching your personality develop over time.

In you, I met a really cheerful and sociable baby. You absolutely love interacting with other people, old and young alike. Whenever you are out and about, you will do your hardest to catch a stranger’s attention. Once you have succeeded, you will flash your megawatt smile and signature wave. It’s hilarious and you have no idea how many strangers’ days you have made better as a result.

That probably explains why you absolutely love public transport rides. That is the opportunity to meet so many strangers that you can interact with and charm.

The next thing I notice special about you is your ability to effortlessly communicate your needs and wants to us. This spans from pursing your lips to indicate that you are done with your meals, a slight tug at our clothes to indicate the direction that you want to head towards or a tightening of your grip to indicate that you are worried.

Furthermore, you are also an incredibly patient baby. I recall one episode whereby we were trying to find a nice picnic area in Botanic Garden Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage which amounted to an almost impossible

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