The Perfect House To Raise A Family In A Big City

Since 2003, I’ve been climbing up the property ladder to find the perfect house in a big city. What I’ve realized is that there’s no such thing as the perfect house. There’s a good-enough house or an almost-perfect house, but there’s always at least one or two things missing to make a house ideal.

Additionally, the perfect house changes as your household size changes. As a single individual, the perfect house may be a one-bedroom apartment in a nice part of town. As a couple, the perfect house may be a two-bedroom single-family home with a view. Now, with children, the perfect house may require something else.

Now that I’m a parent who will likely raise children in a big city their entire pre-adult lives, I’d like to touch upon all the considerations of what makes a perfect house.

There’s no physical asset that will provide you as much joy as buying a great house for your family. Not a fancy car or a rare watch. Not even a life-size golden statue of you outside your alma mater after a big donation.

Once you find that house, you will feel like all your hard work and sacrifice were worth it. A nice house will also motivate you to continue growing in your current endeavor.

What I Used To Think Was The Perfect House In A Big City

If you choose to live in a big city, land, living space, and privacy are at a premium. I wanted all those things but couldn’t afford any of them!

When I lived in Manhattan, I rented a 400-square-foot studio apartment with my high school buddy. We had no space, no yard, and absolutely no privacy. But I didn’t care because I was working 70 hours a week in the office. At the time, the perfect

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