Top 5 Savings Tips to Grow Your Nest Egg Fast


With economic uncertainty on the horizon, it’s always a good time to ramp up your savings. 

What are some big moves you can make to accelerate your savings rate?

Let’s explore the best saving tips to grow your nest egg fast. 

This article was written by a Financial Horse Contributor. 

1. Embrace minimalism 

Minimalism is a great lifestyle mindset to embody.

You don’t need to get rid of everything you own, but the first principles are useful to inspire you towards a healthy savings goal. 

Minimalism inspires you to buy less, own less, and use the things that you already own.

This type of intentional thinking will help you curate your spending choices. 

Minimalism also helps you to evaluate your spending habits. 

If you can re-look at your buying choices, and streamline what you choose to buy carefully, you’ll find cutting down expenses easy.

More importantly, a long-term shift towards spending intentionally, which will really help your savings in the long-run. 

2. Consider cost per wear 

If you do want to buy something, you need to seriously evaluate cost per wear.

Once you get this principle into your psyche, you will find that you save a lot of money in the long-run.

You’ll only buy things that you get a lot of use out of.

3. Multiply your money 

The best way to accelerate your nest egg is to grow your money.

Any cash you have should always be maximized. 

Money should be making you money while you sleep. 

This means:

4. Can you get it free?

Savings experts are masters are finding great deals.

Not only are you trying to get a good deal, can you get it for free? 

Think outside the box. 

In many cases, asking yourself

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