What Creates That Cozy, Nestled Home Feeling In A Big City


Have you ever stepped into a home and immediately felt cozy, even in the middle of a busy city? You can’t quite pinpoint what makes it feel so comfortable and serene, despite the hustle and bustle outside. In this post, I’ll share the various elements that come together to create that warm, welcoming atmosphere.

Living in a big city often means peace and quiet are hard to come by. For many, the journey up the property ladder begins with renting an apartment, where noise can become a part of daily life. Whether it’s an upstairs neighbor dancing in their shoes or loud music from next door, these distractions can make finding tranquility difficult.

My first apartment was on 45 Wall Street in Manhattan, where the rumble of the subway shook my studio every 10 minutes. In San Francisco, I shared a one-bedroom apartment with my girlfriend in the Cow Hollow neighborhood. Unfortunately, we had an alcoholic upstairs neighbor who’d pass out with his bass music thumping until the next morning. That was no fun!

In my 20s, I had to tolerate the noise because I had little money. When I bought my first single-family home at 28, I finally realized how nice it was to come home unbothered after a long day’s work. Well, sorta.

A Single-Family Home on a Busy Street

My first single-family home in The Marina was a step up from apartment living, but it had its challenges. Located on a busy street in San Francisco, just next to the city’s busiest road, the noise was incessant. My neighbors were close enough that I could sometimes hear them through the walls.

We made it work for almost ten years by installing soundproof windows, thick curtains, and carpets to reduce the road noise. Over time, the hum of traffic faded

Read the rest of the article here.


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