What France can teach the UK about Pensions


    What France can teach the UK about Pensions


    If you read some of the UK
    headlines, it seems that France is having difficulty adjusting to the
    reality of longer lifespans. Its previous retirement age (the age
    when you can get a state pension) was 62, which is well below most
    other countries. Macron has made that 64, in a reform imposed
    on parliament
    . 64 is still relatively low, yet there
    have been strikes and demonstrations against this change that have
    been large even by French standards. A rolling strike by bin
    collectors in Paris has left rubbish on the streets.
    are asking
    whether these protests will bring about the
    end of the current constitutional order in France.

    At a macro level, it
    makes sense to raise the pension age alongside life expectancy. In
    most European countries, including France and the UK, state pension
    schemes are unfunded, which means that today’s pensions are paid
    for by those working today. If people live longer you either need to
    reduce the value of the state pension, raise those contributions, or
    raise the retirement age. Yet while the life expectancy of those
    reaching 65 increased substantially in the decades before 2010,
    increases have been more modest since then. The OECD
    below is for women in the G7 countries. Note that
    UK life expectancy has always been low compared to all other G7
    countries except the US.

    The French pension
    age was raised to 62 from 60 in 2010, and by 2019 (before Covid) life
    expectancy at 65 had risen
    around half a yea
    r since 2010. So the case for
    raising the retirement age in France from 62 to 64 is not obviously
    because of increases in life expectancy since 2010. Indeed
    projections suggest that the French pension system, while it will go
    into deficit at the end of this decade, will
    even again by 2035
    without any increase in pension

    So how does France
    afford to have a relatively low retirement age compared to other
    countries? It is not because state pension levels are low. France
    spends around 12% of GDP on state pensions, which is significantly
    than the OECD average, which itself is above
    the UK. The answer therefore has to be higher levels of
    contributions, either directly or indirectly through a tax subsidy. I
    noted in a
    recent post
    that although France had higher levels of
    productivity than the UK, mean household incomes were not higher, and
    a major reason for this is that French workers retired earlier.
    Higher French productivity was paying for a lower retirement age than
    the UK and elsewhere, rather than higher post-tax incomes.

    France has not
    always been an outlier in terms of having a low retirement age. It
    was the socialist President François Mitterrand who in 1981 cut the
    retirement age from 65 to 60. Has France got this trade-off between
    income and retirement right, as Simon Kuper suggests,
    and most other countries have it wrong? The strength of popular
    feeling against Macron’s higher retirement age
    suggest French people think so, although it is impossible to know how
    much of this is seeing a benefit (retiring early) without seeing the
    cost of that benefit (lower post-tax incomes while working).

    The first lesson
    that France has to teach the UK (and perhaps other countries) is to
    have that debate. One of the consequences of having a predominantly
    right wing press and a predominantly right wing government is that
    early retirement in the UK is seen
    as a problem
    , rather than an achievement. Debates over
    pensions in the UK too often treat contribution rates as given,
    rather than part of a trade-off between the retirement age and
    contribution levels. As I have noted before, the UK debate typically
    fails to place things into an intertemporal context, and instead
    talks about workers versus pensioners as if workers will never

    The second lesson
    that France has to teach the UK is whether it makes sense to have a
    national retirement age at all. Once we move from the aggregate to
    thinking about individuals, the unfairness of a uniform retirement
    age becomes obvious. If the retirement age was 64, someone who starts
    work from the age of 18 will work (and therefore contribute) for 46
    years before retiring. Someone who has a degree will, if they retire
    at 64, work three years less but still get a state pension. It would
    seem to be fairer at an individual level to do away with a retirement
    age, and instead be allowed a full state pension after working a
    certain number of years. (The option to retire before that number of
    years should always be available, but with a less than full pension.)

    This unfairness is
    recognised in France, but not in the UK. France has had a
    ‘long careers’ provision where those who started working at an
    early age can retire on a full pension before the official retirement
    age. That system is
    as part of raising the retirement age to
    64, so people who have worked for 43 years can retire with a state
    pension before 64. Thomas Piketty argues
    that If you have 43 years of service, then you should be able to take
    your full pension, full stop. [1]

    However this idea of
    replacing a retirement age by a years worked criteria emphasises a
    different potential unfairness problem, because state pensions are
    annuities that you receive for as long as you live. If everyone had
    the same life expectancy, then those who started work early and
    therefore retired early would receive a pension for longer than those
    who retired later. How much is this an issue? Just as when you start
    work varies by (or perhaps even defines) class, so life expectancy
    also varies by class.

    It would be easy to
    argue that this potential unfairness, created by replacing a fixed
    retirement age by years of service criteria, doesn’t arise in
    practice because of an ‘unhappy coincidence’ that the life
    expectancy of those who start work earlier is shorter by the same
    number of years than those who work later. The evidence we have from
    France for those benefiting from ‘long careers’ and therefore
    early retirement in France is
    complex, but does not suggest
    such an unhappy
    coincidence exists. However, even if there was no difference in life
    expectancy between those who start work at 18 and those who start
    work at 21, say, that is not an argument for a common retirement age,
    because that is obviously unfair to those who start work at 18 and
    therefore contribute more to their pension with no additional
    benefit. [2]

    If those who started
    work at 18 can retire on a full pension at 61 through the long career
    route, why does France have a retirement age at all and why is it
    being raised? The answer lies in the detail, and in
    particular the allowances
    for taking time off to look
    after children. In this respect the UK system, which gives credit for
    those receiving child benefit, is more generous than the system in
    France, although of course it is easier to be generous when the level
    of the state pension is so much lower. It might seem odd that these
    details have provoked so much anger, but as Piketty points out if
    they didn’t affect a lot of people by a considerable amount Macron
    wouldn’t be using so much political capital on insisting on raising the
    retirement age to 64.

    The controversy in
    France over pensions has rather little to do with affordability, and
    instead is about lifetime choice and fairness across class. France
    was unusual compared to most countries because workers paid more to
    fund and enjoy a longer retirement, particularly for the working
    class who started work at 18 and particularly working class women.
    The danger in ending this is it will create one more weapon for the
    populist right.

    [1] Why does France
    recognise the unfairness to those who start work early created by a
    fixed retirement age, while the UK does not? Indeed, why does raising
    the retirement age in the UK cause so little controversy compared to
    France. The obvious reason is class, and in particular the lack
    of political power
    in the UK for those who didn’t do
    a degree. Raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 in France
    primarily affects the working class, because those who did a degree
    and started work in their early twenties will need and often want to
    work beyond the age of 64 to get their full pension. It is the trade
    union movement in France that is leading the protests against raising
    the retirement age.

    [2] One way of
    dealing with different life expectancies across occupations has been
    by Ian Mulheirn. He suggests treating the pension as a lump sum that
    would have to be invested in an annuity, and the annuity provider
    would adjust for different group life expectancies. My own view is
    that a government run scheme would be preferable, because private
    annuities expose pension holders to interest rate risk.