Embrace Rejection! How Getting Denied Saves Us Over $50,000


My life has been filled with rejections, and I’ve finally come to embrace rejection as a natural part of life.

To me, being rejected is akin to the urgent need to visit the bathroom after indulging in too much Taco Bell. The discomfort is undeniable at first as your stomach sours from the inside out. But once you’ve relieved yourself, there’s no greater sense of relief!

Still, getting rejected can sting. However, I strive to find the silver lining in being turned down by a person, institution, or opportunity.

Ideally, I want all of you to adopt a positive mindset towards rejection. Don’t allow a “no” to deter you from pursuing your desires and dreams. Instead, harness rejection as a motivating force to achieve greatness and fulfill your ambitions!

Getting Rejected By So Many Schools

As we find ourselves in the midst of college acceptance and rejection season, I wanted to share a story that may resonate with some students and parents out there. Hopefully, the story will make you feel better about getting rejected.

Last fall, my wife and I were navigating the process of applying to preschools for our daughter. It brought back memories of when our son faced rejection from six preschools.

Despite being a loving family capable of paying full tuition, we were surprised that none of the schools accepted us. I had even hoped my role as a high school tennis coach would work in our favor as a fellow educator, but it didn’t.

Ouch, what was wrong with us? I thought to myself. The rejections felt personal because the schools were rejecting our son. As a battle-tested parent, you can hurt me all you want, but don’t hurt my children.

The System Seemed Rigged

Interestingly, a friend of mine applied to four of the same

Read the rest of the article here.


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