Golden Nuggets from JPMorgan Guide to Retirement 2024.


JPMorgan came up with a nice slide deck showcasing their data collection about things related to retirement planning.

If you are interested in planning for your own retirement, this slide deck might interest you. I reviewed this slide because I am interested in this area for myself and for work.

I picked out some of the slides that I find interesting or resonated with me.

This slide resonated with me because I think many think that if they can get one or two things right then they can have the kind of retirement they want.

It may not be one or two things but a breadth of areas.

The challenge for many is they try to find the people to help them control Market returns, which are typically out of their control.

This slide list for us the reasons why retiring earlier became earlier than what people plan for. There are some that fortunately is able to retire because they were able to but it is worthy to note about 60% retire early due to health problems, disability and company downsizing.

Sometimes, it is not whether we want but a predicament of life.

I feel that this is a significant slide. For half the group, one of the spouses is working.

Many work because they wish to stay active and enjoy their work. But there are also those who work because their savings were reduced, they needed more and they don’t have a choice.

I love decision trees because usually, the most suitable recommendation is not based on just one thing.

This decision tree is to help a person decide whether to delay taking their social security but I think the decisions are applicable to decide

Read the rest of the article here.


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