The Two Questions, One Idea Rule


Hello from Europe! I’m taking some time off and writing this on a 5-hour train ride. I FINALLY have some mental capacity to write after taking a couple of days off from the craziness of work. I know, I know, I haven’t been writing even though I said I was going to do more writing this year.

In January, I came across David Perrell’s Shiny Dime challenge where he sends subscribers one writing prompt per week. I signed up for the challenge, hoping that it would reignite some writing momentum for me… and then promptly ignored it. This week, I’m digging through my old emails to find those writing prompts, and doing my best to kickstart it 3 months late. So that I don’t spoil the surprise, I’ll only share the prompt at the end of each post. Here we go:

Talking Too Much

“If I’m being honest, this is my first time networking.” I could feel myself cringing. That’s NOT the kind of thing you say at a business event.

I was at a college senior at a business society networking event. I was only there because as a senior, maybe it was time to stop mucking around and do something “serious” like apply for a business society.

I had no idea what I was supposed to say at events like these, so I just overshared. I talked about my interests, my resume, my terrible understanding of finance (which I had just memorised from that day’s Wall Street Journal). Any topic that I thought would impress my speaking partner.

He wasn’t paying attention. He kept looking over my shoulder. After a few painful minutes of listening to me blabbering, he mumbled something about getting another drink, and left. I didn’t get selected for the society.

Ugh. Classic rookie mistake

Read the rest of the article here.