Giving A Gift Card Is The Best Way To Help Frugal People Spend


Since middle school, I’ve embraced frugality, largely influenced by my parents’ thrifty habits. They drove aging cars, donned the same clothes for decades, and preferred water at restaurants. Naturally, I adopted these practices.

Today, I still drive a nine-year-old car, opt to repair rather than replace my belongings, and typically stick to water when dining out. It’s ingrained in me to seek maximum value from my possessions.

However, excessive frugality can detract from quality of life. From purchasing low-quality items to squabbles over spending with my wife, I realize the need for balance.

Then, one day, a significant gift card helped me break free from the grip of my frugal tendencies.

A Gift Card Helps Frugal People Spend

A Financial Samurai reader, employed at an insurance company, invited me to address her team during their annual offsite.

As compensation for my time, they generously provided copies of Buy This Not That for all employees and sent me a lovely gift box, complete with a $500 gift card.

While I’ve received two smaller gift cards in the past for $10 and $20, this one was unprecedented. Surprisingly, I found myself spending it relatively quickly. With each purchase, it felt like I was indulging in something free, despite it being my earned money.

Given the substantial value of the gift card, I felt compelled to use it promptly to avoid any risk of loss or theft. Since cashing it out wasn’t an option, I had to brainstorm items to purchase.

Don’t Receive Many Gifts For A Reason

Here’s a rather sobering realization: apart from my wife, I rarely receive gifts from anyone else. Not from my friends, not from readers, not even from my parents. The primary reason? I tend to keep my achievements and personal milestones to myself, leaving others unaware.

For those who

Read the rest of the article here.


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