Should you set big or small goals in your journey to financial freedom?


As Singapore investors, we are all committed to succeeding in our financial journey.

This means earning, saving and investing our money towards reaching our financial goals. 

As we embark on this journey, should we set big or small goals?

How should we maximize goal-setting to produce the best results? Read on!

This article was written by a Financial Horse Contributor.

1. Benefits of big goals 

Have you heard of the saying?

Shoot for the moon, if you miss, at least you’ll hit the stars. 

This holds true for goal-setting. 

A lot of us think too small.

We aim too low, or we just brush away our goals and compromise instead. 

For instance, if you want to be a millionaire by 35, just go for it. 

Set your intention and you’ll be surprised at how impossible things can actually be possible. 

Sometimes we talk ourselves out of big goals, because it brings up feelings of fear, or scarcity.

When this happens, we may want to give up, and aim lower.

But think about it this way, why not aim bigger? 

What’s the worst thing that could happen? You achieve your original small(er) goals…. 

To succeed, we need to let go of negative thoughts holding us back. 

The practical result of aiming big, is that we usually get much further than we think.

Because we dream big, we will then also be motivated to take bigger and and more effective steps towards this goal. 

If you aim to be a millionaire by 35, you would need to buck up at work, invest strategically and find better ways to grow your money. These things come automatically once you set a big goal for yourself. 

If you aim small(er), you may just decide to coast

Read the rest of the article here.